Friday, August 02, 2013

SOS number 4 Apres Surf Hoodie

Wow, this sweater took a long time.....(over a year on and off)

I started it last summer and got the body and 1 sleeve done, then it was abandoned.....why? because I knit the sleeves in the round...and well it was kind of a pain. That and the fact that it's knit on size 2 and 3 needles... The sweater is designed to be knit flat and then seamed up. Well I knit the body in the round up to the arm pits then separated for fronts and back. That went just fine and I was very happy that I did that. So I figured I'd do the sleeves the same way. Ehh I was trying to use my Chiaogoo Lace needles which if you've ever used them you know that those red cables are amazingly wonderful for knitting in the round or flat, but magic looping with them is NOT my favorite. So after doing that (why didn't I change to my KP needles for the sleeve? Who knows -laziness I guess) so after finishing the first sleeve the sweater got tossed aside till this summer and I was determined to finish! Boy I love the look of sweaters knit on small needles but they seem to take FOREVER! Anyway when I came back to it, I had gotten some of the lovely "spin" cables from Chiagoo and what a difference that made on the 2nd sleeve! So Much better! But the sweater is now completed and ready for LOTS and LOTS of wear! I LOVE this thing!

The Stats:
Apres Surf Hoodie from  Interweave Summer 2008
Knit out of Brown Sheep Cotton Fine (LOVE this yarn!) in Deep Sea Fog, using size 2 & 3 needles
All the rest of the details can be found HERE!!