Monday, February 05, 2007

Well yippee! I just got the call that I get another snowday tomorrow! It is really freakin' cold here, and many of my kids don't have appropriate outer wear and they do walk. Poor Abby went out to potty this morning and she was hopping around all funny because her paws were cold. I had to go get her and bring her in because she wans't sure what to do!

In knitting news, I did finish the body of my Wicked sweater today! Here's a lovely mirror photo. I'm really happy with the fit, I did 2 extra decreases and no increases.The pocket was fun and looks so cute. I need to finish sewing the top of it on. Now onto the sleeves!I am going to make the long sleeve version. If i would make it again, I would make it one size smaller.
OH here's a photo of my snowflake quilt. I was going to work on quilting it today but I didn't!
Well I''m off to start my wicked sleeves!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Felting is good (sometimes)

OK so I'm a dork, here's a self portrait of me in my lovely pre felted bucket hat from Bonne Marie. Anyway I hope it fits better after I felt it! It was a super easy knit and I did it in a few days. Now to finish my scarf so that I am ready for the bone chilling weather coming up next week! (highs of like 8 degrees) I have to felt at my mom's though, because I have a front loader and it's really impossible for me to felt anything in it. I've tried.

I've also still been working along on my Wicked. It's really fitting nice. I'm much further along than this picture shows. I'm about 8 inches along below the armholes. I added 2 extra decreases and I'm not planning on adding in increases. I probably could have gone down one more size. I tend to make things to big...I need to start making my patterns a little smaller.

IN Quilty news, I have 2 more snowflakes to applique and I've decided on fabric for my new (due in April) niece!